
Join the Academy

Why train for one week when you can play the whole summer!
Registration is now open for the most innovative soccer Academy in the nation!

Families have several options to join the Academy; we recommend starting with a Free Week Trial and than go from there!

Register for a Free Week Trial!

Join the Academy: 3 mos or 6 mos subscription options with monthly payment plans.

June Intensive : Two week intensive of 3 hours a day June 11-June 30th 9am-12pm
2 spots remaining for Level 1 or Level 2; Level Y closed

July Intensive : One Week Intensive with Video, Strength, Speed & Agility Training
2 Spots Remaining as of 5/11 at 12pm; Level Y = 3 spots remaining
July 11th-14th; (Does not conflict with USA CUP)

Tryout Prep Intensive: July 25th-July 28th Tryout intensive, get video feedback, results and tips for the best tryout preparation in the state. Also is a Level 3 Intensive--Come train with the best of the Academy!

Be Positive, Live Positive

Be Positive, Live Positive
My Trip To South Africa

Why Christian's a great coach!

1. He taught me how to Maradona around opponents.
2. He taught me how to bend corner kicks into the goal.
3. He taught me how to visualize my game beforehand.
4. He coaches me on how to handle pressure.
5. He never goes easy on me.
6. He made me only use my left foot for an entire week during a camp that was too easy for me.
7. He improved my technical skills (speed juggling, footskills, shooting.)
8. He met me on a soccer field 4 years ago and has kept in touch with me ever since.
9. He comes to my games to watch, then calls me afterward.
10. He doesn't get mad at me when I beat him. :)

Dana Buckhorn
u15 MTA Blue
1995 ODP Regional Pool Player