I am a parent of a child that is coached by Mr. Isquierdo. This letter comes as a result of the immeasurable job that he has done. I am not new to [the club]. In fact I would consider myself and my child "old hands". Christian is the best coach my daughter has had and this season has been her best experience. The coaching has been superb. I base that solely on how much her game, as well as the teams game, has improved. In addition, he has assembled a fantastic group of girls who adhere to his disciplined approach.
"N" has scored 9 goals and is having an exceptional season, thus far. She is the second leading scorer. We know were her improvement came from. No doubt she has blown every ones mind with her play, which of course includes the opposition. Even though she is marked, she is still able to score. She's playing very well.
And thanks! You know that she has the least experience of all the players. I know and I might be repeating myself here, but her development is a direct result of playing for you.
Thanks, T
Why Christian's a great coach!
1. He taught me how to Maradona around opponents.
2. He taught me how to bend corner kicks into the goal.
3. He taught me how to visualize my game beforehand.
4. He coaches me on how to handle pressure.
5. He never goes easy on me.
6. He made me only use my left foot for an entire week during a camp that was too easy for me.
7. He improved my technical skills (speed juggling, footskills, shooting.)
8. He met me on a soccer field 4 years ago and has kept in touch with me ever since.
9. He comes to my games to watch, then calls me afterward.
10. He doesn't get mad at me when I beat him. :)
Dana Buckhorn
u15 MTA Blue
1995 ODP Regional Pool Player