Being the Vice President of the Minnesota Thunder Academy, and playing soccer through the collegiate level in Minnesota, I know many of the best coaches and trainers in Minnesota, and when I had to choose a trainer for my daughter, I chose Christian. While Christian is one of the best in Minnesota at developing technical skills, it is really his understanding of the psychological component of the game that sets him apart. My daughter understands the game differently and plays with more confidence after training with Christian. He has and continues to help with her development as a soccer player and as a person.
John M. Jerabek
Vice President
Minnesota Thunder Academy
Why Christian's a great coach!
1. He taught me how to Maradona around opponents.
2. He taught me how to bend corner kicks into the goal.
3. He taught me how to visualize my game beforehand.
4. He coaches me on how to handle pressure.
5. He never goes easy on me.
6. He made me only use my left foot for an entire week during a camp that was too easy for me.
7. He improved my technical skills (speed juggling, footskills, shooting.)
8. He met me on a soccer field 4 years ago and has kept in touch with me ever since.
9. He comes to my games to watch, then calls me afterward.
10. He doesn't get mad at me when I beat him. :)
Dana Buckhorn
u15 MTA Blue
1995 ODP Regional Pool Player