Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Training Levels

Progressive Skill Development

LFC training is now divided into three programs based on specific skill sets that combine multi-directional movements, ball striking, ball mastery and the players vision and emerging self-awareness. Recognizing that the “level” of play as it relates to age group, C1, Premier, C2 and Recreational have only a general orientation to what a player should have learned or brought to the training program --most players demonstrate a lack of technical skills that are consistent to others who are asking to become better players and seeking training.

The organization of these levels of training comes from the martial arts style that I study which demands excellence in technique of basic stances, kicks, blocks and strikes before advancing to new and more advanced techniques. Also, mixed age and gender groups are accepted since technique is the priority outcome while older and younger players help each other through the learning process.

Level 1 Training

Level 1 training is the basic entry point for players starting to work with me. We focus on specific movements related to a clean driven ball, both in terms of their general athletic skills but also build on their self-awareness, discipline and attitude to improve and focus on task-related learning. Level 1 players will aim to master and demonstrate proficiency within small sided games of the following technical skills: the low instep drive, the slap roll, lateral deceleration, attitude to score and win 1v1s. Players will need to have learned how to ‘snap their knee’, ‘lock their ankle’ and be able to ‘aim their plant foot’ in the desired location away from the ball consistently without reminders to be able to advance to Level 2 training.

Level 2 Training

Level 2 training is the next progression of skills mastery for players. Having mastered or demonstrated proficient skills with the low instep drive players begin learning how to drive the ball with a wide angle instep drive that will loft the ball with backspin. Players will also advance ball mastery skills to include fakes and feints that include striking the ball and setting up their shot or clearance. Movement skills will include the cutting circle that will include all directional stops and acceleration techniques. Level 2 players have taken their basic skills mastery and added another level of complexity to already learned skills. Level 2 players are beginning to self-correct, become aware of new possibilities and have learned 2v2 and 2v1 skills in training, team coaching and demonstrate within small sided games.

Level 3 Training

Players who are in Level 3 training have already demonstrated proficient skills in ball mastery, multi-directional movements, ball striking and are ready for more gameplay and application. Level 3 training is still individual focused but will phased into the calendar as players progress.

Skill Progressions

Multi-directional movements

linear and lateral deceleration skills combined with balance, rhythmic and running technique

  • level 1 skills are: basic athletic stance, lateral deceleration, linear lunge stop, back-peddling, hip turns
  • level 2 skills: active stances, lateral crossover, lateral deceleration, linear split stop, t-step, plyo-step, hip turns
  • level 3 skills: jumping, landing, single legged hops, olympic squats & olympic cleans

Ball Striking

The ability to cleanly strike with superior technique in a variety of movements, angles, and approaches. Includes heading and passing, but primarily driving the ball.

  • level 1: low instep drive, prep touch following the ball, push pull & drive
  • level 2: wide angle instep drive, low instep drive left and right footed
  • level 3: both feet, both high and low, moving onto bending balls, chips and volleys

Ball Mastery

More than just “footskills”, these skill sets are developing, coordination, rhythm and speed with the ball and the visual cues off how to beat opponents, set up a shot, and accelerate

  • level 1 skills: deceleration & changes of direction, slap rolls, dribble cuts, first touch on the ground, ball across the body
  • level 2 skills: fakes and fients, stops and starts, first touch turns and in the air
  • level 3 skills: double moves

Vision and Awareness

The ability to see and understand how and why on the field with the ball and with opponents. Vision as it relates to seeing and attacking space both on the ball and with specific runs. Awareness as it relates to self, technique and the learning process.

  • Level 1: Seeing and attacking space-first touch moving
  • Level 2: Awareness of technical errors and ability to self-correct
  • Level 3: Vision and Awareness of others

Be Positive, Live Positive

Be Positive, Live Positive
My Trip To South Africa

Why Christian's a great coach!

1. He taught me how to Maradona around opponents.
2. He taught me how to bend corner kicks into the goal.
3. He taught me how to visualize my game beforehand.
4. He coaches me on how to handle pressure.
5. He never goes easy on me.
6. He made me only use my left foot for an entire week during a camp that was too easy for me.
7. He improved my technical skills (speed juggling, footskills, shooting.)
8. He met me on a soccer field 4 years ago and has kept in touch with me ever since.
9. He comes to my games to watch, then calls me afterward.
10. He doesn't get mad at me when I beat him. :)

Dana Buckhorn
u15 MTA Blue
1995 ODP Regional Pool Player